Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Full o fun ;)

So...the weekend of craziness is over. Friday started out with a bang. Megan had a field trip to the "school of the deaf". I decided to be cool and left the school early to pick up coffee for a few of the moms and said i would meet them there. I spent my first hour at the school wandering around the entire campus. I thought that 25 6 year olds would be a sound easy to pick up considering i was in a school that was stone silent. It was like being in a horror movie. It was errily quite for a school. And i somehow ended up in the basement which had these rooms that looked not unlike padded cells. I finally (the last five minutes of the tour) found the greenhouse?

Than it was off to help at the lasagna dinner. This was an all afternoon, all evening event. Good times had by all. I sung a song for the talent show. I changed the words from "mad world". It was funny. if i don't say so myself.

i left that at 10 (skipping clean up...scandalous i know) to go home and get in bed because i had to get up at 6:00 to go pick up mike and get to the half marathon.

we pulled into downtown and there were TONS of people. i have never been to something like this before. i started making fun of those people that run before the race. you see them jogging around and think "dude, you're about to run 13 miles...take a break!". of course mike was one of those guys. ha! (i guess when you're shooting for 6.15 minute miles you MIGHT need a big of a warm up :) anyway, i left his group of running freaks to meet up with the other two people i knew running. both of them were named mike as well. when we were all in homegroup together it got very confusing :) anyway, i ran the race with mike carroll. i like to think i could have gone faster, but he sprinted at the end and beat me. it was windy and rainy and everyone was soaked by the end. the people who were there to cheer everyone on were worth it just to watch. i loved it.

i finished in about 2:12. that is about 10 minute miles. i was shootin for that. i left to meet up with everyone at bob evans and while attempting an illegal turn got smashed by another car. so than i look like a total dork dripping wet with a wrecked car. good thing i'm such an old hand at these kind of things. the woman who hit me didn't have insurance. since we only keep minimum coverage on our cars it wasn't really a big deal, and she was profously happy when i told i didn't need to call the cops. she hugged me and told me i was her gaurdan angle. ha! the tow truck guy had a little scrappy dog in his truck that commadeared my lap when i got in for the ride and remained there for the ride home. justin told me that i would NEVER EVER EVER be allowed to own a motorcycle. sad.

by now it's about 12:30 and time to head to the "baily bash" which is the school's big fundraiser. I spent two hours braiding little girls hair. we than walked home (i love walking home from school), packed up michael and left to drop him off at a sleepover. (where the turned on indiana jones: temple of doom...the one where they cut the guys heart out with a knife? michael FREAKED. they turned it off. seriously. temple of doom for 7 year olds? oh my.) anyway, at this point i am starting to experience first hand the theory that when you run a long race, your immune system shuts down. i had a sore throat in the morning. by now i have lost my voice. we head to a friends graduation from college/birthday party. i stand around justin and listen to him talk about cars. since i can't strike up a conversation of my own. ha!

we come home and i fall into bed. sunday morning is "neghiborhood clean up day". it's raining. so i get a text that it's cancelled. but at 11:00 when i emerge from bed i see them all out there working. i go out and help. still no voice. the rest of the day is wash. i lay in bed. emmet pees all over the hosue. i feel horrible and exhausted.

monday i felt ok again. tuesday i work the polls. you have to be there at 5:30 am sharp. i set the alarm. the alarm doesn't go off. i wake up at 5:25 and SPRINT. when your day starts with an exclamation of "OH SHIT!" it is sure to be interesting :) seriously, it would have been impressive to see a person get going as fast as i did. i make it in time. spend the day playing the young whippersnapper with the old peeps who are working the polls with me. i love old people. they have the best sense of humor. they know what's funny and when to laugh.

and a nutshell has been the past week. good times. good times :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Things from april

so april has been a good month... and will end in crazy caios. this weekend is the youth group's annual lasagna dinner, my half marathon, the "baily bash", michael's sleepover, and another good friends college graduation party... and that's all within friday and saturday. sunday is empty. thank goodness :)

last weekend was megan's baptism. we drove up to grandma mary's house for the BIG event. megan was beside herself excited about this. she had a smile all day. it was really pretty adorable. i had had three beers beforehand at a birthday party for a friend and felt like i was going to die the night we drove up. i remained in the fetal position on the car drive up and went to bed as soon as we got there... and it's wierd caz it's not like i was drunk. but i felt awful. and was so bummed i couldn't stay up and hang out with my aunt whom i don't see often. it was rediculous...

there was a coo in the neighborhood last night. the girls (megan, remi, and kate) were spreading a visious rumor that michael had broken a nest worth of baby bird eggs. michael came in the house SOBBING because the girls were telling everyone lies about him! this is how you know he wasn't guilty. the tears. so i asked him
"did you touch the eggs?"
"well why are the girls saying that?"
"well...i only touched one! but i didn't break any!"
so i head outside to track down the girls. at this point, there was a large mob of children walking over to my house with displeased looks on their faces and ice cream cones in their hands (the ice cream truck had just come). i met them at the end of the driveway. i told them...
"hey guys, you need to stop saying that michael broke the eggs. he says he didn't and that he only touched one."
"well...michael lies somtimes" pointed out ty (neighbor boy)
"well, everyone lies somtimes...but how do you know that the eggs didn't hatch? maybe that's why there were broken egg shells?" (this tidbit of genius in my arguement i cannot take credit for. aunt becca was on the phone coaching me and it was her point :) my arguement was met with a pondering silence. having quited the mob i told them again "you can't blame someone for something you didn't know for sure they did and than tell everyone about it..."

ahh the drama...

all the neighbor women got together last night and i played bunko for the first time. that was fun. and interesting ;)

in other news...i am going to be doing a cleanse next week. i know i am in very good shape right now. my pants fit and i'll be running a half marathon in two days, after all...but i'm at least 10 pounds higher than i should be. and i am doing an experiment on myself. i am going to try a cleanse. and when mom comes home i am going to try eating macro. i will see which i feel better on. so i will be documenting this next week... so that should be interesting :)

i have tried uploading pictures, but i'm not sure if it there may or may not be pics with this... cheers!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

8 years and kalahari hookie day

so justin and i celebrated our 8 year annaversary by going out to this little resturant in german village called "thurmans" where they are famous for the "thurmanator" which is this gigantic burger with everything from mushrooms to bacon and onions and cheese and 2 pounds of burger. we split one and were both stuffed to the gills by the time we had finished our halves. eviently they started making them when some guys from the arnold fest came to that place and ordered two different burgers and ate them both. people are nuts. anyway, we ate, walked around victorian village, went and got coffee, and met up with jennifer and a couple in our homegroup to see a show where i ran into an old friend of my brothers who took one look at my blond self and said "you're aaron may's sister!?" gah!

than on tuesday we let the kids skip school and took them to kalahari, which is "the worlds largest water park" for the day. justin and lindsay took emmet.. (and evidently he cried all night at their house...poor baby!) justin got distracted on the drive up so it took us an extra hour, but we took the secnic route :) the kids had an absolute blast. we didn't get too many pictures caz it's a water park, and camera's don't do too well with water... we played from 1-9 and the kids wanted to get up and go back the next morning! (which we couldn't do caz justin had to work at noon...) michael's favorite part was the hot tub that went outside and you could look at the moon. this would have been relaxing if there haden't been for all the kids swimming around (and worse...pubescent boys/girls...truly a horrible breed to be around when the girls are all wearing bikinis...but don't get me started...) megan loved the roller coaster like water ride. we got stuck on it the first time. they had to get on their walkie talkies and have someone come and get us off the part we had gotten stuck on. it was pretty cool. that was our first try. megan wanted to get right back on after that and we rode it several times after. (justin had been behind us in line and thought we had flown out of the shoot when the ride stopped and was freaking out least that's what he said...which means he was probably worse than that :) we all jumped on the hotel beds and ate crumby things and i didn't have to clean any of it up. we ate at ryan's steakhouse, which always reminds me of grandma ruth and school shopping. we slept. and the kids didn't want to leave... good times had by all.

and now i have 160 bags of mulch to lay (plus 40 at the rental..)hopefully it won't rain today... :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

quick update

i will post some picture next time...i promise.

i start chem 100 next week. i will be a college student...again ;) i am torn between getting a two year degree in surgical nursing and getting my mba. it would be about the same time either way since i already have an associates in i am kinda leaning toward at least...

the past few days have been amazing and beautiful. megan and i have been going on adventures. we will go to the park or take a walk and always manage to find a creek, pond, stagnant body of which point megan will take off shoes and sox and pull her pants up to her butt and wade in. inevitably getting almost entirely soaked... yesterday i am pretty sure she pooped outside of the bathroom at the park. she claimed she couldn't find the door and assured me that everyone would just think it was dog poop. oh megs....

michael continues to work hard at school. he brought his report card home yesterday. school isn't that important anyway :)

i have been trying to stay on task with the running and incooporate lifting classes with my training. i was at a class yesterday where i overheard a woman (who lifts at least twice what i do in the class) talking about working out as you age. she said when she turned 60 she hired a personal trainer thinking "lets see what the body can do"..she is now 66. ha! she has a body better than most 20 year olds...and certainly better than mine! she is considering signing up for a marathon this year. geesh!

justin is good. this weekend is the mens confrence at church where there will be arm wressling, riding bulls, and one very jealous wife at home...i am thinking of consoling myself with watching gi jane :)

emmet is starting to develop a very "nana" (from peter pan...the nurse dog) like personality. he will go outside with me and megan and look at us. if either of us move or make a peep he is staring at us wating for something bad to happen that he can deal with. it's pretty funny. the house training is going well. we have started letting him sleep outside of his little room. last night he woke me up to go out and slept on the floor on my side of the bed the rest of the time. as long as you make sure he gets a chance to poop before you leave in the morning he's usually good in the house. so progress is good.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mostly pictures... grandma gave me tickets to disney on ice. i took amanda, aislyn, kaycie, and megs... good times were had by all.

we had 18 CRAZY kids running around at michael's birthday party. it was a 'break dancing party' complete with strobe light, a fog machine, and glow sticks... it was pretty awesome...

this is the first of two steps in dying my hair. i feel like i need to walk around with a sign on my neck that says "yes, i know it looks bad...i'm not finished yet!!!"

and emmet is getting bigger...

and the sun is out today (not that i'm one of those whiners that has been constantly complaining about the grey weather...i kinda like it...but i also like the fact that the kids have been running around in the front yard (shooting water guns!) for most of the morning...)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

big dog...big poop (and shopping)

emmet currently has grown up dog size paws and grown up dog size poo. he has gained 5 pounds every week since we have gotten him. he is going to be so FREAKING HUGE!!! (i love it!)

in other news...last week was "justin works and than has something to do in the evening" five out of six nights in a row. this left a deranged hilary by sunday...and so needless to say i had a few hall passes laying around and used one, in a moment of epic stupidity, to go shopping...which is to say "i used a free afternoon in self inflicted torture" :) i always forget that i hate shopping for clothes. i ventured out into the "grown up" part of filines basement...for the first time in my life. and than i felt kinda rediculous that this was the first time i have been clothes shopping not in the juniors section.. and than i decided to try on swimsuites. i always enter this endeavor with optomisum...and end with dispair. i have swimmers arms (muscular is how my mom puts it...), rediculous boobs, and a waist that has been so streched by babies that even my ob commented "oh have a LOT of strech marks!" thanks dr. devoe ;) (i think that was payback for when i first met him and told him that he had delivered me..i make you feel make me feel streched out :) that all off with my "may not butt" and nuddest beaches sound better and better... needless to say i found nothing... (other than a pair of skinny jeans for 7 the junior's section :)